1/ Add new server
2/ Edit Server
3/ Start Server
4/ "Save Resource" prompts. Select "No".
BUG: "Save Resource" prompts again asking for saving changes again even though selected "No" => Wrong behavior (Supposed to prompt one)
Let start at the point when we start the server and walkthrough to the point of "Save Resource" prompts.
I./ StartAction.java
Class defines methods to start servers
Method: public static void start(IServer server, String launchMode, final Shell shell)
This method is to start the server. So let's set a breakpoint here and step into.
Notice the ServerUIPlugin.saveEditors(). Let's step into this method.
II./ ServerUIPlugin.java
The server UI plugin class
Method: public static boolean saveEditors()
save dirty editors, if applicable
@return boolean - Returns false if the user cancelled the operation
Notice method "saveAllEditors". Let step into this method
III./ Workbench.class
primary responsability is the management of workbench windows, dialogs,
wizards, and other workbench-related windows.
Method: public boolean saveAllEditors(boolean confirm)
is to save all server editors
Notice method "EditorManager.saveAll". Let step into this method.
IV./ EditorManager.class
Manage a group of element editors. Prevent the creation of two editors on the same element.
Method: public static boolean saveAll
Saves the given dirty editors and views, optionally prompting the user.
on success,false
if the user canceled the save
Notice the red circle. This is where the first SaveResource dialog prompts for saving changes. User have 3 options:
YES: saveAll() method will process on and save all changes.
NO: saveAll() method will return TRUE
CANCEL: saveAll() method will return FALSE.
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